Time for a Change

I have struggled with my weight since my late 20's.  After getting out of the army and a knee injury my activity level declined, as well I was just getting older and still eating like I was when I was very active playing hockey and studying martial arts.  I had always been a skinny kid and ate what ever I wanted, but now I was approaching thirty, sedentary, and gaining weight. I had over time gone from a 5'11" 160 lbs to 245lbs.  It happened slowly and subtly of course, over several years.

I worked on losing weight through diet and exercise, and over the last ten years I have lost and regained the weight.  That's right, I was the text-book definition of the "Yo-Yo Effect", and by early summer of 2016 I was as heavy as I had ever been in my life at 260 lbs!  What's worse is that I used my past failures to keep the wait off as an excuse to not try again.  I was overweight and out of shape and had just accepted it as who I was.

July 2016 my two closest friends changed my life and the way I thought about my weight.   I wish I could say they sat me down and set me straight, but unfortunately it would take a much more serious event to get me to change.   Two events, to be honest.  My best friends, whom are all about the same age, weight, and activity level as myself were hospitalized.  One for severe chest pains and within a few days the other for blood-clots.  I'm quite pleased to say that in the first case my friend was tested and did NOT have a heart-attack, and the other friend was treated for the clots and both are doing well.  None the less, this got my attention to say the least.

That could have easily been me, in either case.  I was over-weight, high blood pressure, and my idea of exercise was walking from my cart to my golf ball.  I couldn't help think, "would I be next?"  I knew then, it was time for a change.

Over the course of the next year, I lost 90 lbs and have kept it off.  This blog is intended to both look back at the changes I made in my life to accomplish that task as well as what I am currently doing to maintain this new healthy life style.  I will look at what has worked for me as well as what did not, and share my thoughts and opinions on a range of fitness related topics.  An honest look at an average man's approach to fitness, that I hope might help someone else in a similar situation.  Time for a Change


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